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Tradium in English

International with Tradium

Tradium - a modern Danish school with historic roots welcomes you to one of the largest education and training schools in Denmark.

Pige der er international studerende


Welcome to Tradium

Tradium is one of the largest combined technical and business colleges in Denmark.

Tradium primarily offers upper secondary general and vocational education as well as education and training courses for adults, companies and organisations wanting to update their knowledge and skills within business or technical competences.

New and modern - with historic roots and traditions

Tradium was founded in 2010 as a merger of well reputed colleges with historic roots back to 1800s. This merger builds bridge between the commercial/business educations on one side and the technical educations and training on the other. With three business colleges, a science college and several centres providing vocational programmes and supplementary training, Tradium offers a wide range of training and courses targeted for a modern society and a world constantly on the move.

Education for life

Lifelong learning is a key principle in Denmark ensuring knowledge and ”readiness” for a modern world and a de- mocratic society. At Tradium, education for life means education for both youth and adults - but it also means education targeted and tailored for modern life, for upfront know how, technology and skills. Furthermore, in particular our vocational education is based on a close cooperation with businesses and trades in ”real life” - a dual education principle in which theoretical and practical education goes hand in hand.


Tradium has been very helpful and people are nice and open

Se video

High nationally regulated standards 

Tradium is a self-governing, non-profit institution with a long tradition of involving the companies, management and labour and the social partners at all levels of ma- nagement. The quality of Tradium education is assured in many ways. It is mainly regulated by the state, and is approved and evaluated on an ongoing basis.

At Tradium we strive to: 

  • be the preferred educational destination for pupils, students and trainees 
  • be the preferred supplementary training center 
  • ensure a high level of professionalism and student competence in an inclusive and development-oriented learning envi- ronment 
  • create a good and professional synergy between our areas of education 
  • build relations to the local community and industry through cooperation and dialogue 
  • be a stimulating and attractive workplace
  • be world wide in our point of view




About the projects

Internationale elever
Aktiv 3 Projects


Tradium strongly believes that our local performance can be improved by involving resources and ideas from abroad and is therefore active in many international projects funded with support from the European Commission. Tradium is only involved in projects that try to answer real needs and/or enhances competences of staff, pupils, enterprises, other relevant stakeholders or/and the quality of our educations. A central International Department has the primary task of counselling staff on all aspects of international projects.

Find the projects below.


Bridge the Ocean






Opening hours:

Mon: 09.45-12.15
Tue: 08.00-12.00
Wed: 12.45-15.00
Thu: 08.00-12.00
Fri: 10.15-12.00


Do you have questions about admission and application, fees and finances, living in Randers or the Erasmus programme? Contact us at
phone + 45 70 11 10 10 or e-mail:info@tradium.dk